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Pupil Premium

Eligible for free school meals?

All Infant School children are now entitled to receive a free school lunch but if you're eligible, it is still important to register your child for ‘free school meals’. The application process is very quick and easy, and your child will directly benefit from the additional funding that the school will receive. The criteria are:

  • Income Support (IS)*
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)*
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (from the National Asylum Support Service)
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are NOT entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
  • Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) (ESA(IR))

*Children who receive IS or IBJSA in their own right are also eligible to receive free school lunches.

If any of these apply to you, please make your application online at https://westberks.gov.uk/free-school-meals-apply

Pupil Premium Plus Grant for adopted children

Adopted children qualify for the Pupil Premium Plus Grant. In order for us to apply for this extra funding, we would be grateful if parents of children that have been adopted on or after 30 December 2005 would provide the school with supporting evidence (for example, the Adoption Court Order). Thank you for your support.

Applying for Free School Meals

To apply for free school meals at West Berkshire schools and maintained nurseries:

  • Apply online - it's quick and easy and you can do this at any time that is convenient for you - we'll contact you about your application and to confirm that you qualify
  • Apply over the phone through Customer Services - we'll take you through the form for you right there and then - just have your National Insurance number ready

At Curridge Primary School, we want all our children to build confidence and independence, achieve excellence and experience success. We are commited to ensuring that we use our Pupil Premium funding effectively to ensure that all our children who may be disadvantaged, or belong to vulnerable groups, achieve in line with their peers. 

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